

来源:免费起名网 发布时间:2020-10-18手机版


    英文情侣游戏名字如曲终破尘 | 如歌澈婉颜
    Like the song dust | like song yan wan gwon-chul

    烈酒已备 | 故人未归
    Liquor for | did not return a friend

    ゾ守一座ㄣ空城 | ゾ等一位ㄣ旧人
    ゾ keep a be empty city | ゾ wait a be crucified

    三生烟火 | 一世迷离
    Be fireworks | I be blurred

    `衬衣夹克为你 | `高跟牛仔配你
    ` shirt jacket for you | ` high-heeled cowboy with you

    花间心安舞 | 月下自在眠
    Peace among the flowers dance | comfortable sleep under the moon

    づ黙认゛緈冨 | づ黙认゛耒来
    づ 黙 recognize ゛ 緈 冨 | づ 黙 recognize ゛ Lei

    那女人、咱疼 | 那男人、我爱
    The woman, I ache | that man, my love

    万般皆是命 | 半点不由人
    Life is burnished | any people

    靠他肩 | 抚她脸
    On his shoulder | stroke her face

    万人嫌 | 千人憎
    Ten thousand people too | ten thousand people hate

    暮冬-  | 初晴-
    Late winter - | attendance -

    捂耳听风 | 挽风入耳
    Cover their ears to listen to the wind | arm in the wind

    关灯有我在i | 开灯就是你i
    Turn off the lights in the I | I open lamp is you I

    桔梗花的海洋 | 蒲公英的半海
    A sea of the ocean of balloon flower | dandelion

    深情如许 | 与你白头
    Deep feeling so much | grow with you

    装天真 | 装幼稚
    With the naive | juvenile installed

    ゛-宿丶命│ ゛-纠丶结
    ゛ - lodge, life │ ゛ - remedy, knot

    The sunflower. | hin collector.

    亲爱的、挫人 | 亲爱的、挫神
    Dear, fell | dear, god

    为你痴狂 | 喂你狂吃
    Crazy for you | feed you eat

    情到深处人孤独 | 人到孤独更情深
    Deep affection to the people alone | to more deep loneliness

    ˇ I not Grosvenor LTD handsome | ˇ I not Bai Fu beauty

    颜不如初. | 人不如故.
    Yan is not the same. | not the same.

    执恋 |执爱
    Holds love | hold love

    熟悉的气息- | 陌生的氛围-
    Be familiar with the breath - | strange atmosphere -

    失了身*| 失了心*
    lost * * | lost heart

    清欢相伴 | 温酒相随
    QingHuan company | he drank

    半声笛 | 半城柳
    Half sound flute | half willow

    If you can dream | affair

    成绩差的学生总比人渣好 | 吃货总比痴货好
    Students with poor grades is better than scum | version is better than chi goods

    抬手牵流岚 | 举步过忘川
    Hand holding flowing haze | all over sichuan

    白天不懂夜的黑 | 咖啡不懂酒的醉
    Don't understand the night's black | coffee during the day don't understand wine drunk

    半点清露入墨 | 一缕清香入画
    | a wisp of fragrance show any clear lotion into the ink

    北港初晴 | 南岸末阴
    At the end of the south north Hong Kong attendance | Yin

    娇唇印甜蜜 | 眼眸印温柔
    Gentle charming sweet | eyes the lip seals

    颜不如初 | 人不如故
    Yan is not the same | people is not the same

    [ 唯独你入眼 ] | [ 唯有你倾心 ]
    [but you eyes] | only you fall in love]

    人间十二月满 | 莫留十三月孤
    Human full | mo for December 10 March alone

    南城以南少年愁 | 北城以北少年梦
    South north of the south of the young sorrow | beicheng young dream

    Heartless injury "| rink hijinks tao lung love"

    余温 。 | 失温 。
    The keypad. | temperature.

    我也很想他 | 我也很想她
    I also want to his | I also want to her

    Hold me tight | warm me

    Together on the other side of the |

    待我长发及腰 | 肯定静电不少
    My long hair and waist | must be static

    请勿模仿姐 | 请勿模仿哥
    Please don't imitate elder sister | please don't imitate elder brother

    那是曾经? | 只是回忆?
    It is used? | just memories?

    折流云为笔 | 拾落叶为纸
    Fold the cloud for pen | leaves for the paper

    蜡笔小新@ | 蜡笔小舅@
    Crayon small new little brother @ @ | crayons

    轻描、幸福的未来 | 淡写、甜蜜的回忆
    Light tracing, happy future | baby write, sweet memory

    倾听你的心跳. | 静观你的素颜.
    Listen to your heart. | watch you without makeup.

    毁你我怕遭雷劈 | 离你我怕遭天谴
    Destroy you I was afraid of being hit | from you I am afraid that by the scourge

    年华似水流、 | 花落怎知愁 、
    Time like water flow, | how do it know sorrow,

    情╰╮相惜 | 心╰╮若惜
    If love ╰ ╮ pity heart | ╰ ╮ precious little

    山有扶苏 | 隰有荷华
    Shan ying fusu | xi Iowa

    不高兴 | 笑一个
    Not happy | a smile

    在乎你的在乎 | 心疼你的心疼
    Care about you care about | love dearly your heart hurts

    成绩优异的学生总会反光 | 成绩差的学生总会掉渣
    Students with excellent grades always reflective | low-achieving students always slag

    深情已是死罪! | 怎怕挫骨扬灰!
    Affection is death! | how afraid fell bone dust!

    渔舟唱晚 | 彼岸灯火
    Sing night | the shore fishing lights

    倾城醉 | 红颜悴
    The whole drunk | beauty strain

    始于初见 | 止于终老
    Begins with the first | to die

    fsミ妖精 | fsミ恶魔
    Fs ミ goblin | fs ミ demons

    未成年 | 未成熟
    Minor | immature

    早恋提高情商 | 晚恋有害健康
    Puppy love grow emotionally | love late is bad for your health

    夏、恋凉。 | 冬、念暖。
    Cool summer, love. | winter and warm.

    躺着也能睡着 | 站着也能中qiang
    Lying can sleep | station can also be shot in

    人情冷暖. | 冷暖自知.
    The changes in temperature. | affair.

    入画浅相思 | 入骨深相知
    Show the shallow acacia | deep acquaintance to the marrow唯美的英文情侣游戏名字
    英文情侣游戏名字囚我终老. | 心如荒岛.
    I die. | heart is like a desert island.

    倾城醉,醉秋风悲凉 | 红颜悴,悴君已陌路
    The whole drunk, drunk the autumn wind sad | beauty strain, the strain jun has been strangers

    浮生若不弃 | 此生则不离
    If you can not abandon | life is everywhere

    烛火阑珊影孤芳 | 惊雷崩落梦已惘
    Candlelight decayed shadow solitary fang | the convulsion of caving dream already

    相思花落尽 | 花落相思尽
    Acacia flowers all | went missing

    清唱过往、 | 执笔抒情、
    Cantata, | write lyrical past,

    爱我你会火 | 跟我贼稳妥
    I love you will fire | thief safe with me

    If the precious little | mo from

    花落、为谁祭 | 花开、谁相惜
    Flowers fall, for whom the | flower, who pity

    智商已欠费! | 我给你充钱!
    IQ has been overdue bills! | I charge money for you!

    森呼吸 | 林距离
    Sen | Lin from breathing

    Left little goof | left, little fool

    左手倒影 °┃右手年华 °
    Left hand reflection ° ┃ right time °

    煎蛋饼的爱情 | 爽歪歪的等待
    Omelette love | cool, dropping to wait

    一月情 | 六月雨
    January | rain in June

    反反复复一句ヽ| 简简单单一句ヽ
    Repeated a ヽ ヽ | simple sentence

    安等暖阳. | 亦忘风凉.
    Such as warming Yang. | also forget cooling.

    木兰笺字雕白首 | 青骢绝尘塑天荒
    Mulan depicting words carving whitehead | green Cong white plastic days shortage

    沫离、| 沫弃、
    Foam from, | foam abandon,

    绾酒 | 晩叶
    Wan | wine leaves a rainy night

    纤罗舞霓裳 | 兰芷步阡陌
    ROM. Dance step house | LAN zhi buildings

    〆 地域、殿堂 | 〆 天国、葬礼
    〆 region, halls, | 〆 heaven, funerals

    六块钱麻辣烫 | 五毛钱小辣条
    Small six dollars malatang | five hair moneys spicy dry tofu

    温暖你 | 靠近我
    Warm you | close to me

    小老公 ╲|小老婆 ╲
    Small husband ╲ | little wife ╲

    待你白头 | 陪你终老
    Bald | to accompany you forever

    暧昧如戏. | 尘埃未定.
    Ambiguous, such as play. | undetermined dust.

    陪你年少 | 伴你白首
    Accompany you less a whitehead |

    是久伴 | 是深爱
    With | is the deep love is long

    北有亡梦i | 南有孤岛i
    North have dead dream I | south island I

    ▲不滥情的男子| ▲不专一的女子
    Bring not promiscuous man | bring several woman

    怕不能 | 怕错过
    Afraid can't | afraid miss

    可劲疯 | 何弃疗
    Can strength the mad | how to refuse treatment

    兮美人朝暮 | 思佳伊始乾
    Beauty at the beginning of morning evening | think better dry

    消停。 | 闹腾。
    Cease. | escapades.

    酒易醉﹏ヽ | 心易碎﹏ヽ
    Easy drunk man ヽ | heart fragile man ヽ

    细雨 | 狂风
    Drizzle | winds

    誓言终成谎言 | 佳话终成笑话
    Vow to lie | charming story into a joke

    街灯亮 | 晚风归
    Street lights | night breeze

    夜里把灯点 | 灯下把墨研
    At night the light point | light under the ink

    温柔小妩媚 | 霸道小高傲
    Tender little enchanting | bully stuck-up

    南湘以南席城梦 | 席城以北南湘愿
    South hunan mat city dream | seats in north-south city south of hunan

    清涟不妖 | 鸾烛不离
    QingLian not demon | luan candle stick

    深爱不及永伴i | 关怀不及久在i
    Love than me forever | I care less for a long time in the I

    默默爱蛋蛋* | 蛋蛋爱默默*
    Love balls * | egg silently silent and *

    笨小蛋丶 | 逗小逼丶
    Stupid little eggs, | make force,

    携手相爱 | 执手相依
    | love hold hands together hand in hand

    长发挽君心 | 青丝缠郎君
    Long hair in js mi ammy | of moss bound

    醉眼迷红妆 | 昔日醉红尘
    ZuiYan fan red makeup | once drunk the world of mortals

    盯裆猫 | 互撸娃
    At the cat | does lu Eva

    伴我暖i | 与你安i
    With my warm I | Ann I with you

    冬天虐我千百遍 | 被子待我如初恋
    Winter abuse me thousands times | quilt treat me like the first love

    望你城 | 妄你城
    Hope you city | jump you city

    回憶茤浓﹌ | 想菍茤重﹌
    Memories 茤 thick ﹌ | think 菍 茤 ﹌

    醒是更深的梦 | 梦是无声的醒
    Wake is deeper dream | is silent

    丿凊颜灬相熙 | 丿凝思灬霜琴
    丿 part yan 灬 phase city | 丿 contemplate 灬 frost

    Dreams and | city and don't

    月寒影对 | 梦暖情双
    On cold shadow of | dream NuanQing double

    非你不娶 | 非你不嫁
    Non-you don't marry | you don't marry

    暖瞳 |温眸
    Warm pupil | warm eyes

    愿你不曾离去。 | 愿我陪伴永久。
    I wish you never leave. | I would like to accompany the permanent.

    他名她命 | 她恋名他
    He name life | she love him

    折扇戏美人 | 掀纱窥君容
    Folding fan play beauty | lift yarn looking gentleman

    梦旅人 | 孤旅人
    Dream traveler | lonely journey

    一指流砂 | 一段年华
    A refers to flow sand | a period of time

    月暮浊冥薄阴情 | 孤阳流光溺清明
    Month in both turbidity drowned ghost thin Yin feeling | solitary Yang of time to clear

    过去不回首. | 未来不将就.
    In the past, don't look back. | will not in the future.诗意的英文情侣游戏名字
    英文情侣游戏名字青衫湿 | 红袖染
    The blue wet | red dye

    窥视者 | 跟踪人
    Peepers | tracking

    温顺小姑娘。 | 帅气小伙子。
    Gentle girl. | handsome young man.

    白绫纱青丝 | 眉目亦如画
    To make white silk yarn of moss | picturesque

    Pain silent ゛ | love galling ゛

    画个句号给昨天〃 | 画个逗号给明天〃
    Draw a full stop to "draw | a comma quotation yesterday to tomorrow"

    惜花尚未折。 | 奈何花已谢。
    Precious little flower has yet to fold. | do flowers have withered.

    〆 明媚如你 |  メ 温暖如初
    〆 bright and beautiful as you | メ warm

    唯伱依赖づ | 唯伱疼嗳づ
    You only rely on づ | only you ay づ pain

    狸不开 | 桃不掉
    Everthing don't open | peach

    清曲 | 晚歌
    Qing song | late

    左耳情话 | 右耳年华
    Left ear about | the right time

    浅笑`依依 | 浅笑`漠漠
    Smiling ` yiyi | chuckled ` vast and lonely

    緈福の小男人 | 緈福の小女人
    緈 f の little man | 緈 の little woman

    一念之间 | 一念执着
    A read | a persistent whim

    执念莫相言╮ | 执念莫相语╮
    Obsession mo phase it ╮ | ╮ obsession mo phase language

    哥、呮対伱恏  |  姐呮対伱恏
    Elder brother, 呮 you do | elder sister 呮 seaborne polices you do

    Love season. | season break up.

    呼吸多久念多久 | 心跳多久爱多久
    How long how long how long how long to read | heartbeat love breathing

    There, at the time of "|" shore not ended,

    唯美式残剑 | 唯美式飞雪
    Only beautiful remnants sword | beautiful snow

    桃之夭夭 | 灼灼其华
    Lines tao killings | beating its China

    一曲一场叹 | 一世一流离
    A song of a sigh | I of first class

    好骚年前途无量 | 好姑娘光芒万丈
    Good SAO years promising | good girl

    In the winter. ヘ | spring. ヘ

    一醉亦倾城 | 一指亦流年
    Also have a drunk also fallen | one finger

    咏似水中月ゝ | 叹似镜中花ゝ
    Xu month ゝ in sishui | sigh like flowers ゝ in the mirror

    知你冷暖 | 懂你悲喜
    Changes in temperature | you understand your feeling

    の、寶  |  の、翼
    の, treasure | の, wing

    曲水流觞 | 笙歌离殇
    Song water renovation of works | strike from ruin

    格仔衫 | 帆布鞋
    Checkered shirt | canvas shoes

    吵啥子嘛吵 | 装啥子嘛装
    Noisy what noisy | pack what don

    泪不尽、鸟空啼 | 藕不断、心亦乱
    Tears is endless, empty bird crow | lotus root, the mind is also constantly

    甜甜の、微笑? | 暖暖の、拥抱?
    Sweet の, smile? | warm の, hug?

    Don't love pain is pain beasts, | love is people,

    笑为谁含蓄 | 哭等谁回眸
    Who laugh implicative | cry for who look back

    阳光晒干白衬衣 | 微风轻抚红裙摆
    Sun dry white shirt | breeze caresses the red skirt

    我知你长短 | 我知你深浅
    I know you as you want | I know you

    爱他,莞尔流年 | 爱她,夏至末至
    Love him, love her smile time |, at the end of the summer solstice

    絮雪亦云霜 | 淡逸致雨寒
    Flocculant snow cloud also frost | pale cold from the rain

    Little fool came | little fool ♀

    Lover heart | chi person tears

    陪你追 | 待你归
    Accompany you | to you

    既然琴瑟起 | 何以笙箫默
    Since harps | why sheng xiao

    北岛情书 | 南屿情话
    The north island love letter | south lantau prattle

    つ蒼生繁華" | つ如夢似幻"
    The dream is like "unreal, prosperous whole つ" | つ

    把爱当温柔╮ | 把温柔当爱╮
    When the tender love ╮ | when the tender love ╮

    小笨蛋° | 大笨瓜°
    Little fool ° | big stupid melon °

    To be not moved heart | less painful

    旧街我与光拥 | 深海我为情困
    Old street and light I held | I deep feeling trapped

    三勺抹茶 | 七抹阳光
    Three teaspoons of tea | seven of sunlight

    沧海 | 巫山
    The sea | wushan

    你是我的罗密欧 | 我是你的朱丽叶
    You are my romeo | I am your Juliet

    旧岛听风 | 猫巷饮雨
    Listen to the wind | alley cat drinks the rain old island

    霜晓谁染晨林醉 | 雾知谁念晨曦醉
    Frost xiao Lin drunk who dye the morning fog | know who read morning drunk

    长街深巷. | 屿岛归人.
    Strip. Deep | in lantau island.

    无欣厌 | 守花枝
    No hin anaerobic | cuttlefish

    我想妳 | 硪愛你
    I think you | I love you

    其实我们都很好 | 只是时间不凑巧
    In fact we are all very good | even if its timing is an accident

    情到深处难自禁つ | 柔肠百转冷如霜つ
    Deep feeling to kiss -beginning つ | cold as frost つ heart

    Small sun ◣ | ◢ sunflower

    悠雪伴情飘 | 柔逸含爱翔
    Snow with affection leisurely | soft escape love cheung

    与你深爱并搞怪 | 与你谈情并耍赖
    With deep love and wacky | and you talk about your feeling and play to depend on

    絮絮叨叨. | 磨磨唧唧.
    Pour out. | whet haw.

    子钦 | 子幽
    Son son qin | deep and remote

    落花、有意 | 流水、无情
    The fallen petal, deliberately | water, ruthless

    时光不会老# | 爱你不会少#
    Time not old # # | love you won't

    ↖ chi 惢 侽 吇 | ↘ 婲 Xin neodymium seeds

    媳妇打我干嘛 | 偶尔疼疼你嘛
    Wife dozen I why | occasionally painful hurts you

    Lcc丶 on | Lcc丶 off
    Lcc, on | Lcc, off

    一株淡定旳草 | 一朵骄傲旳花
    One individual plant grass detachment Howard | a proud one flower好听的英文情侣游戏名字
    伪君子 | 假女人
    Hypocrite | false woman
    英文情侣游戏名字回眸倾城泪 | 转身泪倾城
    Looking back at the whole tears | turned to tears fallen city

    凉城凉人心 | 空城空旧忆
    LiangCheng cold hearts | empty city empty old memories

    In love | oath

    朝如青丝 | 暮成白雪
    The sunset like moss | into snow

    情浓千股, | 复念一人.
    Strong thousands of stocks, | after reading one.

    人潮拥挤 | 我保护你
    Crowded | I protect you

    Indulgence | capricious

    匣锁昔年妆 | 花葬旧时颜
    Box lock "makeup | buried old yan

    对着月亮说晚安 | 对着太阳说早安
    He said good night to the moon | said "good morning" to the sun

    涐只为了迩つ | 你是涐旳唯一つ
    つ E for family | you are the only つ E Howard

    If the heart | will be pain

    活在梦里? | 终日难眠?
    Living in a dream? | to sleep all day long?

    南方有谷堆 | 北方有墓碑
    North south have a heap | tombstone

    地老天荒i | 天荒地老i
    The end of time I | glebe's old I

    她在他心 | 他在她心
    Her in his heart he | in her heart

    你是我的春夏 | 亦是我的秋冬
    You are my spring/summer | is also I fall and winter

    Silence. | said.

    溺水的猫 | 打伞的鱼
    Drowning cat | with fish

    风拍浪 | 浪逐风
    The wind wave | wave by the wind

    什么是心安 | 你就是答案
    What is the mind | you is the answer

    心软是病 | 回头致命
    Softhearted is sick | back deadly

    手不要给别人牵 | 拥抱也要留给我
    Hand not to give others take | hug also want to leave me

    看清了 | 看轻了
    See the | looked down

    霸气女汉子、 | 范二小青年′
    Domineering woman man, | fan second youth '

    半世流离 ∞ | 倾城温柔 ∞
    The second displacement up | up city of tenderness

    唯他命﹌ | 唯她命﹌
    Only his life ﹌ | her life ﹌ only

    Love does not change | love is constant

    无疾无忧 | 百岁安生
    No disease worry-free | centenarians bird

    枉凝眉 | 枉伤悲
    | waste curling eyebrows sorrow

    忆了流年荒了屿 | 慕了凉笙无了歌
    Have the worst drought the lantau | for the cool sheng no song

    ?暖不了你心 | 深不了你脑?
    ? Can't warm your heart | deep brain don't you?

    许下地老天荒 | 走到海枯石烂
    Make the end of time | to the seas run dry and the rocks crumble

    执我之手 | 携我之心
    Hold my hand | with my heart

    君无戏言 | 妾等百年
    You no joke | concubine, etc. One hundred

    我与寂寞有染 | 我与幸福无缘
    I had an affair with lonely | I and happiness

    月下独醉 | 花间共舞
    The moon drunk the | dance among the flowers

    念与倾白 | 思与猗红
    Read and white | think with Yi red

    莫离、爱缘起秋天 | 莫弃、心碎在海边
    Don't from, cause love autumn | don't abandon, heart is in the sea

    泽禹っ | 瑾离へ
    Ze yu っ | jin へ

    [门卫叔叔] | [食堂阿姨]
    [the guard uncle] | [aunt canteen]

    无毒不丈夫、| 最毒妇人心、
    The most poisonous woman heart, non-toxic no husband, |

    高楼朝歌夜弦 | 舞袖倾国倾城
    High-rise alborada night string America laguna | dance sleeve

    -落红空卷影。 | -雨染梨花门。
    - no shadow. | - rain dye pear flower door.

    你眼睛会笑?? | 弯成一条桥??
    Your eyes will laugh?? | bent into a bridge?

    喝最烈的酒 | 操最爱的人
    The strongest wine to drink | love the most

    人不如故. | 颜不如初.
    People are not the same. | yan is not the same.

    游弋在掌心的鱼 | 荡漾在眼眶的泪
    Cruising in the palm of fish | ripples in the eyes of tears

    曲调 | 格调
    The tune | style

    你狠嗨, | 你狠烂,
    You are malicious hi, | you malicious bad,

    ㄨ惜ヾ爱メ | ㄨ惜ヾ嫒メ
    ㄨ cherish love メ ヾ | ㄨ メ. Cherish ヾ jingyuan

    淡抹红尘世つ | 记忆画红尘つ
    Pale reddish earth つ | painting world of mortals つ memory

    允你倾世温柔。 | 给你倾国拥抱。
    You pour the gentleness. | pour countries hug for you.

    冷眸 |温瞳
    Cold eyes pupil | temperature

    终究相拥、 | 终究相爱、
    All embrace, | all love each other,

    Quiet day, | quiet,

    ぁ一个人|ぁ 一座城
    ぁ one | ぁ a city

    冷颜哥 | 诗颜姐
    Cold YanGe YanJie | poetry

    Away from the soul music. | hit.

    南城雨落° | 北岸初晴°
    South side rain ° north shore | attendance °

    Late summer | early autumn

    溺你于心海 ° | 囚你于心牢 °
    Drowned in the tranquil you ° | you in prison °

    兰香染素心 | 不语诉深情
    Spearmint dye heart | not language v. deep feeling

    唯心っ 只爱你 | 唯爱っ只有你
    Idealism っ only love you | っ only love only you

    南风喃 | 北风寒
    The south wind | nan north wind cold

    九命猫 | 七秒鱼
    Nine lives a cat fish | seven seconds

    曾经发了疯的想 | 如今拼了命的逃
    Once mad spelled a life want to | now flee

    再冷不过人心 | 再冷不过人心
    Cold but the heart | to cold but the heart again

    离人怎挽. | 碍人怎离.
    How writes how wan. | hinder people away.

    Arro_颜の熙 | Angel_思の琴
    Arro_ yan の city | Angel_ の harp

    久伴我? | 别离开?
    For a long time with me? | don't leave?

    乐式╮开始 | 悲伤式╮落幕
    Start a type ╮ | sadness ╮ end

    In this life only hurts you | only spoil you in my life

    说谎的都是骗子 | 相信的都是傻子
    Liar is liar | believe is a fool伤感的英文情侣游戏名字
    情生。 | 心瘾。
    Gratitude. | heart addiction.
    英文情侣游戏名字奏ゝ夜曲 | 听ゝ夜风
    Play ゝ nocturnes | listen ゝ night wind

    陪你一起疯 |  陪我一起笑
    Mad with you | accompany me smile together

    ╰我 你 辈。|╰爱 一 子。
    ╰ I you. | ╰ love a son.

    北京巷弄 | 南街酒楼
    Beijing alleyway | south street restaurant

    英雄.末路 | 美人.迟暮
    Hero. End | beauty. Dying

    ら゛如花美眷 | ら゛似水流年
    ら ゛ river | ら ゛ prints

    墨 深 ° | 微 恙 °
    The ink deep ° | malaise °

    情与月缠绵 | 爱同花婵娟
    On sentiment and lingering | love with flowers chan

    谁伴孤城他暖 | 谁念画楼她颜
    Who give he warm | who read her facial painting floor

    芙蓉女儿诔 | 沙华男儿诀
    The daughter of the lotus Lei | ShaHua boys travelling

    In the summer of warm sea * * | winter cold heart

    相爱本是陪伴 | 宠爱何需多言
    Fall in love, this is company | love what need many words

    心劫 ? | 梦徒 ?
    Heart time? | dream ACTS?

    孤独成性 | 寂寞成惯
    Lonely initiative | lonely to spoil

    与我安i | 与我暖i
    Ann I | and I warm with me

    破墨踏雪行 | 滴墨恋梅情
    Through the snow PoMo line | drip love mei

    | hand in hand to hand in hand

    风华不过一指流砂 | 苍老也是一段年华
    Elegance but a refers to flow sand | old is a period of time

    一缕清风 | 一杯烈酒
    A wisp of cool breeze | a glass of liquor

    他是光芒?? | 她是信仰??
    He is the light? | she is faith??

    江山枕 | 英雄路
    Jiangshan pillow | hero

    万千归途 | 你是终点
    Myriad way home | you are finish

    本王就要你i | 臣妾就属你i
    The king will you | I male and female servants will I belong to you

    你会腻 | 我何必
    You will be bored with | why should I

    ↘两个人の初冬 | ↘一个人の夏末
    ↘ both の winter | ↘ の one late summer

    君如陌上尘゜ | 妾似河边絮゜
    Jun such as dust on the safety ゜ f选自.起名字网 www.mfqmw.comlocculant | concubine like the river ゜

    红颜为君泪 | 君为红颜醉
    Beauty for your tears | jun for drunken beauty

    俊容笑风情 | 红颜若流年
    Jung let amorous feelings | beauty if we smile

    我姓赵 | 我心燥
    My name is zhao | my heart is dry

    相顾无言 | 唯余一笑
    Care for words | Yu Yixiao

    ゝ只对你微笑 | ゝ只把你拥抱
    ゝ only smile at you | ゝ only your hug

    Such as month, | writes to tears,

    柠檬心凉不心萌 | 西瓜心酸不心甜
    Lemon heart cold heart sprout | watermelon sad not sweet heart

    玲珑骰子 | 琉璃梳子
    Linglong dice | coloured glaze comb

    淡月若亦情 | 冷月葬花魂
    Were if DanYue also love | of the soul

    我要摩登女郎 | 我要蘑菇小象

    I'm going to modern girl | I'll have the mushroom little elephant

    追月听风语 | 舞剑弄梅折
    On listening to the wind language | sword may fold

    云起兮衣飞扬 | 雪落兮裳翩舞
    Cloud up flying xi clothing | snow fall type to the dance

    上半场谈情 | 下半场说爱
    Talk about love in the first half | say love in the second half

    想念式凄楚凉 | 悲恋式暗楚香
    Miss type nine cold | dark ChuXiang sad love

    艳若婷 | 清如波
    And d. | like wave

    子佩 | 子衿
    Child peja | short

    一指流沙 | 一汐风涟
    A refers to the quicksand | a sunseeker wind ripple

    The little warmth. | small tender feelings.

    國産小伙こ | 國産小妞こ
    Domestic small こ | domestic chick こ

    Hey, baby | hi, hani

    叶埋凌落处 | 花葬盛开时
    Leaf buried ling fell | flowers bloom when buried

    小幸福 | 小情绪
    Small happiness | small mood

    ★思念 ╮ | ★诗恋 ╮
    U miss ╮ love ╮ painted | poetry

    w~真心对你 | w~真心爱你
    W ~ sincerely to you | w ~ love you for you

    谁应了谁的劫 | 谁变谁的执念
    Who should be the who's who plunder | whose obsession

    丄身╮情侣衣 | 丅身╮情侣裤
    Falling in with the body and clothing | ╮ couples hit the body ╮ couples pants

    像清风. | 饮烈酒.
    Like the wind. | drinking liquor.

    っ、似水流年" | っ、被他而傷"
    っ, prints "| っ, by his injury"

    Love、暧 | Love、昧
    Love, dimming | Love, mei

    时光浅浅 | 思念悠悠
    About time | miss leisurely

    独衬心酸. | 独拥深暖.
    Lining alone sad. | alone deep warm.

    秀恩爱 | 遭天谴
    | show love by the scourge

    ┲ ﹊ dada. | ┲ ﹊ 尐 頩 葢.

    心如荒岛、| 囚我终老。
    The heart is like a desert island, | I die.

    情话醉人 | 醉酒销魂
    Sweet nothings | intoxicate drunk ecstasy

    你若一直在 | 我便一直爱
    If you have been | I'll always love

    し injury up | し can't afford to injury

    迷失旳方向ゝ | 残缺旳记号ゝ
    Lost your direction ゝ | the imperfect ゝ mark

    言语无情 | 怨言无用
    Cruel | complaining useless words

    我要去拯救世界 | 别闹快到怀里来
    I want to go to save the world | stop that now fast to arms

    友人祭酒 | 故人不朽
    Memorize a friend drink offering | immortality

    风在吹. | 我在追.
    Blowing in the wind. | I'm chasing.

    择一城终老 | 择一人深爱英文情侣游戏名字
    Choose a city to die | choose love one person

    泪落成烛 | 泪染成殇
    Completion tears candle | tears dyed wounds

    夏至未至 | 末年已末
    The summer solstice is at the end of the late not to |

    花落,流年。 | 花开,梦惜。
    Flowers fall, time flies. | blooms, the dream precious little.

    对不起,闯进你心 | 没关系,正和我意
    I'm sorry, broke into your heart | it doesn't matter, is talking with me

    青涩不及当初 | 聚散不由你我
    Young than original | accumulation and dispersion is not you and me

    -初晴, | -初雪,
    - attendance, | - the first snow,

    若゜相依゛ | 亦゜相惜゛
    If ゜ dependency ゛ | ゜ also pity ゛

    深爱之人 | 久伴之魂
    The soul of a deep love. | long date

    她的夢 | 他的夢
    Her dream | his dream

    ~宝宝。很傻 | ~笨蛋。很呆
    Baby ~. Silly | ~ idiot. Is to stay

    踮脚拥他 | 俯身吻她
    A step stool on | he bent down and kissed her

    花心`灬.° | 画心`灬.°
    Flower heart ` 灬. ° | painting heart ` 灬. °

    牧笛悠扬 | 流萤百啭
    Reed | rising and putting the fireflies

    し你若未嫁, | じ你若未娶,
    し if you did not marry, | じ if you did not marry,

    不忘初心 | 不识人心
    Don't forget the beginner's mind | not the heart

    Feeling thick | think don't hard to do

    刺心° | 温瞳°
    Thorn heart ° | temperature pupil °

    花开若相依 | 花落莫相离
    Flowers if dependent | flowers fall mo phase

    低头丶吻你唇 | 抬头丶让你吻
    Lower the head, kiss your lips | up, let you kiss

    别离开i | 一直在i
    Don't leave | I have been in the I

    十年戎马. | 百年孤独.
    Ten years of military. | one hundred years of solitude.

    生相依 丶 | 世不弃 丶
    Born dependent, | not to abandon,

    Hen, the injury of difficult ぬ | 莣 hen, the injury of hard

    [待我如初见] | [葬我以时光]
    [treat me as the first] | bury me in time []

    淡看,那笑容 | 深记,那眼哞
    Light, the smile | deep down, the eye moo

    你用酒把我灌醉 | 我用爱令你心醉
    You get me drunk with wine | I make you enchanted with love

    つ°夏至╮ | つ°初夏╮
    The summer solstice つ ° ╮ | つ ° ╮ summer

    彼此指相扣♂ | 彼此意相合♀
    Each other each other to be buckled came | consistent ♀

    、闹点小情绪 | 、发点小脾气
    , with a small | emotion, a little temper

    一辈子 | 不分离
    A lifetime | not separation

    ╰巴黎蓝? | ╰丝绸绿?
    ╰ Paris blue? | ╰ silk green?

    浮世安尘眸一抹 | 苏璃半折明一媚
    Float world AnChen | Sue glass eyes one and a half fold Ming mei

    曲终我依然爱. | 梦醒我依然在.
    I still love walkin. | I still dream.

    ㄣ疼爱ご | ㄣ被爱ご
    Be love ご | be loved ご

    结局、狠綄羙 | 剧沬、狠悻富
    End, malicious 綄 great | additive, malicious Xing rich

    The man fallen petal, non-trace ┃ man fallen petal, without a trace

    森屿暮歌 | 岛屿晨铃
    Sunset song | lantau island morning bell

    国囯因囚 | 囡囯因囚
    The 囯 for prison | lui 囯 for prisoners

    咿呀咿呀哟~ | 哎呦哎呦喂~
    Yi ah yi ah hey ~ | oh iuv ~

    执子之魂. | 与子共生.
    Is the soul of the child. | symbiosis with child.

    网友解答:☆Kiss、 | ☆miss、 ↘Dèvìl|↙Angel 〃mêmǒrγぐ╰→mêmǒrγ ╰Dad╰Mum° 〢Mē!ody_゛〢Mē!ody_゛ FUck、| SHit、 òńìу" ìòvě ㄣRa!n ゝ | )ㄣEva εAngel!aз εSh!rleyз

    英文情侣游戏名字问题二:有没有特殊的英语情侣名字 留言

    Poppy(罂粟)——Holly(天竺)(天竺是罂粟的解药) Iris(鸢尾)——Lancome(兰蔻) Vampire(吸血鬼)——Chaser(猎人) Witch(女巫)——Master(法师) Princess(公主)——Knight(骑士) Fairy(妖精)

    英文情侣游戏名字问题三:游戏情侣英文名字,2个都要E字母开头 还请带上寓意 解释 谢谢大家了!

    网友解答:East_Girl East_Boy


    网友解答:゛BabyゝXつ丨゛DearゝXつ 【非特殊符号版】Baby丶X乀丨Dear丶X乀 【说明】X为各自的姓名或者其他什么拼音缩写 【统一格式丶特殊符号版】ヽ⒊ver℡男名丨ヽ⒊ver℡女名


    网友解答:男:yi辈子→守护你 女:yi辈子→属于你




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